For the mom who wants to relax in her garden on Mother's Day...
I shared this recipe back in 2020 when we stayed in for Mother's Day. I think this year you may want to stay in for similar reasons. A chance to cook, relax and treat the mommas in your life.
Enjoy a 3-course brunch menu for four created by TM babe Taylor Neill.
This meal is also perfect for a picnic, so if you have a yard or a deck, get outside or bring it to a local park. Enjoy some sunshine and sip on these blood orange mimosas, girl!
Enjoy a 3-course brunch menu for four created by TM babe Taylor Neill.
This meal is also perfect for a picnic, so if you have a yard or a deck, get outside or bring it to a local park. Enjoy some sunshine and sip on these blood orange mimosas, girl!
Green potato salad
- 1 bag of mini potatoes (I like red and gold for additional color)
- Asparagus bundle (I use about 25 pieces)
- Green beans (10-15)
- Eggs (hard boiled) 3
Boil eggs for 10 min (add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water to help remove the shell easier)
Boil potatoes for 10 minutes
Blanche or boil green beans for seven minutes
Blanche or boil asparagus for two minutes
(To save dishes you can use the same pot / at the same time for the vegetables).
*When any of the ingredients come out of the boiling water for blanching place them into an ice bath to stop the cooking, it helps maintain color and texture.
Dressing: (save a little of the herbs to decorate)
- 1/4 cup parsley (that is not chopped)
- 1 Tbs dill (chopped)
- 2 Tbs chives (chopped)
- 3tbs extra virgin olive oil
- 1 avocado
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh
- 1 lemon (2 tbs lemon juice)
Blend all ingredients and together.
Take all the ingredients and toss with dressing and serve. Use additional herbs to decorate the plate. I choose not to dress my eggs so that I can have them be in tact for presentation.

Citrus salad
- 2 blood oranges
- 2 oranges
- 1 (pink) grapefruit
- Mint
- 1 tbs honey
Take all of your citrus and peel it. I would recommend peeling it with your fingers like you would a regular orange so that you don’t lose shape of the fruit. Once peeled, slice all of your fruit about a quarter inch thick. Then lay the pieces out flat. Chop and sprinkle with a few sprigs of mint. And then drizzle with the tablespoon of honey.
*Save any pieces that might be a little ugly that you don’t want to display to use the juice for for your champagne.

Blood orange mimosa
- Glass of champagne
- 1/4 blood orange juiced
- Sprig of rosemary
Squeeze blood orange into champagne, top with rosemary sprig and enjoy!

*Because of Quarantine I have had extra time in my kitchen and therefore have started a sourdough starter. I don’t expect many people to have a starter on hand but if you do here is my recipe for fresh biscuits) if not I would replace the fresh biscuits with Annies Organic flakey biscuits (store-bought) to save on time.
Sour dough biscuits
(Makes 8 biscuits)
•1 cup flour
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•1/2 teaspoon baking soda
•1/3 cup margins or butter-cold
•1 cup sour dough starter
Sift together flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
Cut in the margarine or butter.
Mix in sourdough starter.
Knead a few times, until all the flowers mixed in.
Pat or Roll out to 3/4 inch thick and cut out biscuits, place them on an ungreased baking sheet
Bake at 425 For 12-15 minutes until slightly brown.
Strawberry filling
- 1 package of strawberries
- 1-2 tbs orange juice
- 1-2 tbs sugar
For strawberry filling take one package of strawberries and slice should equal about 2 cups of strawberries.
Add to that you cups of strawberries 1 to 2 tablespoons of orange juice.
And 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Homemade whip
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- 2 tbs sugar
Take half a cup of heavy whipping cream beat with 2 tablespoons of sugar on medium high until whip cream is light and fluffy
Cut the biscuit in half.
Please berries on biscuit.
Add whip cream and enjoy!

Follow along with Taylor and all her delish home cooking through her Instagram @taytayneill + let us know how your recipes turn out in the comments below!