I make jewelry that encourages curiosity, adventure, and discovery because I believe that everyone deserves to live a life full of these elements— that we thrive and grow from them. The world and its oceans have been a source of all three for me from a very young age, having grown up in California. Unfortunately, our society doesn't support equal life experiences for everyone. It’s this unfortunate reality that’s led me to the very fortunate pleasure of connecting and collaborating with Ocean Connectors, a San Diego-based nonprofit program, for the past 6 years as I built Tree Myriah.
I take you on an in depth journey through the organization’s work in this blog post from last year. :)

TLDR: Ocean Connectors was founded by conservationists and marine scientists to engage youth from underserved communities across the U.S. and Mexico in environmentalism. This includes offering long-term education, field trips, and bilingual curriculum. Since its start in 2007, the organization has connected children to research sites and experts in the field to inspire collaborative, global stewardship in over 30,000+ students.
It all starts with exposure, education, and a little reciprocity. It starts with understanding that we (humans, plant life, animals, and everything in between) are all here together. At the end of the day, I want to help kids get into nature so that it may shift their perspective as it has mine. Every single child deserves the opportunity to discover that there is more to the world than what they have immediate access to. Teaching our youth about nature helps them cultivate integrity that backs up their actions as they move into adulthood and find their unique role in society.
Through my art— the Tree Myriah jewels that you know and love— and the stories that inspire them I strive to show how openness and curiosity can build a more mindful and intentional society…that we can accomplish this while celebrating all the beauty, wonder, and art in the world. Giving back to Ocean Connectors is a pillar of my business because the world and its oceans have given me so much from such a young age and this organization was built on offering the same to others.
While ten percent of my profits are always donated to Ocean Connectors, I designed the Springwater Choker to pay homage to the rainstorms that watered our property back home in Humboldt and today where I reside in Eugene. Choose from 5 organizations to donate fifty percent of the purchase price of this gold-filled chain with freshwater pearls and rare blue Paraiba Opals scattered across the chain. I recognize that each of you within the TM community have a set of unique experiences that inform your buying decisions and want you to feel like you’re making a difference where it matters to you.
The Cove Collection is another extension of the ocean’s impact on me. These are pacific ocean inspired pieces that speak to the bohemian culture of the west coast, its gentleness, and the ability to find clarity in its water— physically, able to rinse you “clean,” and mentally, through its sheer size, sprawling flora and fauna, and rich, orange sunsets that remind you it’s all going to be okay.
By cultivating environmental mindfulness from a young age, Ocean Connectors sets up future generations to be empowered, critical thinkers. To seek inspiration at the intersection of art and science (because our world really is just different, naturally occurring forms of art). The organization’s students not only gain an understanding of vital marine resources and the interconnectedness of all ecosystems, but are also taught how to relate these STEM learning experiences to the real-world.
This October 13, Ocean Connectors is turning 15 (more on this to come)! They’re taking attendees on a sunset cruise in the San Diego Bay which will include drinks, food stations, a silent auction, and other fundraising opportunities. Special guest speakers will share the impact and vision that 15 years of service has provided for the program’s students. As the celebration gets closer, I'll be making a donation that I hope gets more children out there and excited to discover the world (and themselves.) If you have questions about the event or want to become a sponsor, contact Mandy Shefman, Development Manager, at mandy@oceanconnectors.org.
Ocean literacy is an essential component of the ocean conservation movement and I’m so grateful that I’m able to shed light on this important work through jewelry pieces that are unique and meaningful to you.
Thank you for ordering from Tree Myriah and strengthening my and Ocean Connectors’ ability to innovate, learn, grow, and provide.
I could go on about my ocean musings but I’ll leave it here for now. :) If you have any questions regarding TM's work with the organization, please don’t hesitate to contact me here!
With love and grace,